Thursday, November 30, 2006

Anything about Vista Pointe

Suggestions for keeping our dues down? Ideas that might help the Board of Directors? Whatever you want to say about the Association, say it here:

Shopping, Eating out, etc.

Have a favorite restaurant? What stores do you love /hate in Reno? How about shopping online? Share your experiences here:

Need something done around the house?

Post your favorite service people here, with contact information please - landscapers, painters, roofers, babysitters, etc - and please share your horror stories too so we can avoid them.

Caughlin Ranch the mothership

By virtue of being a member of Vista Pointe, we are all part of Caughlin Ranch HA and pay dearly for the privilege. Share any thoughts you might have about Caughlin Ranch here; did you vote in the last election? did you support the 'reform' candidates? Do we get enough bang for our buck from Caughlin Ranch?

What's new?

Any new family additions, even 4 legged ones? buy a new car? having the family over to your house for the holidays? Tell us about it here